Meet Canadian CRTC quality regulations with confidence
You want all Canadians to enjoy your broadcast programming, so accessibility and inclusivity is one of your top priorities. The good news is that accessibility is also a major priority of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) who have set various quality standards that apply to broadcasting in Canada.
These standards ensure that broadcasters provide high-quality, diverse, and accessible programming and include Canadian content quotas, diversity and representation, accessibility standards like closed captioning and described video, local programming, local talent development, and advertising standards.
To help you meet and even exceed the standard for broadcast captioning, ScribeWire can help. The NER model bases the evaluation of captions and subtitles on three criteria: the Number of words, Edition errors, and Recognition errors.
ScribeWire, formerly known as CCS, offers NER evaluation services to review and audit broadcast and offline captions for accuracy according to the CRTC’s stringent guidelines.
Request a quote, or just let us know how we can make your media accessible.