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ScribeWire, formerly CCS

Helping make the world more accessible.

ScribeWire is one of Canada's leading media accessibility companies.

We are about connections.

At ScribeWire, we believe in the power of human connections and relationships. Our services have expanded beyond captioning and transcription to include described video, American Sign Language interpretation, and simultaneous interpretation, ensuring that we meet the diverse needs of our audience in every possible way. We don't just transcribe words; we transport experiences, ensuring every voice is heard and every message is clear.

Join us on this journey of crafting clarity and delivering dignity, as we continue to write our story – a story where every word bridges worlds and every service opens a door to inclusive experiences.

We are your trusted
accessibility partner.

Bell brand
CBC brand
Queens University
Mlse brand

We want to hear from you.

Request a quote, or just let us know how we can make your media accessible.

Have an inquiry? Let us know here.